Edwin Castaneda
I would like to nominate my husband, Edwin.
He is truly a hardworking man. I have known this man since we were 11 years old. We have grown up together and I am so proud of the man he has become.
His hard work and drive has gotten us this far, he is someone who never gives up despite any trials along the way. He works full time as a union worker, helps raise our three children and is always willing to help others. His generosity and selflessness along with his hard work and determination is what I admire most. It’s almost his birthday and as a stay at home mom, this would be a nice treat.
Babe… Thank you for being you!
One lucky wife,
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Jim’s Automotive on Shaws Flat-Family owned and operated since 1950 call 532-3624
Pinells Carpet One Floor & Home – Call 532-1696
Nates Tree Service For all your Tree Service Needs… call 532-2460
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