James Miller
If I could list the amount of times I’ve seen people smile just by saying, “Mr. Miller”…..you’d think he was Santa. They light up so much you’d think you were looking at the Times Square Ball Drop. For a while there I didn’t know I had a name because everyone addressed me as “Mr. Miller’s daughter” (still do *eye roll*). Some call him a hero….some call him Mark Twain’s doppelgänger….but I’m one of the lucky two who gets to call him dad. He’s been a teacher for 57 years and still going (talk about being the epitome of patience). Students from way back in the day still reach out to him to express their gratitude to him for giving them something that no one else took the time to do….a chance. Once in a lifetime you meet someone who changes you, your life and the way you see things in its entirety. My dad is that once in a lifetime man. He’s there for you from the starting line to the finish line….no matter how many hurdles are in the way. Every single person who knows him loves him….and for the people who don’t know him….he’s a busy man so there’s always Facebook for that.
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