Hard Working Man 05.22.24

Kyle Herndon

Kyle goes above and beyond for our family! He is the best dad to our three girls. He wakes up to go to work at three am and works constant overtime to help out his company.
On his days off he takes care of the girls so I can continue with the career I love. All the while he is doing continuous projects around our home and property to give us the dream home that we have always wanted.
Along with all his hard work, he has the biggest personality that lights up a room. Even when he is exhausted…He always leaves a smile on someone’s face and you are always going to be laughing when he is around. He is the most selfless person I know. Anyone that has had the pleasure to have him in their lives are the lucky ones. My daughters and I are truly blessed.

Bethany Herndon

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Posted in Alisha, Hard Working Man.