Hard Working Man 07.12.23

Shawn Hancock


The moment I knew that my dad was the hardest working man that I had the privilege of knowing is all of the times he would come home from the fire department and put on a tool belt and go back to work. Though, my dad recently retired from the fire department after thirty years of being a fire captain, he still works full time as an electrician. He is dependable, selfless, tireless. He just doesn’t quit. After working a very long work week, my dad has taken the time to build me a house from the ground up, on his weekends off. There is nothing he wouldn’t do to help someone in need. I’ve seen this man give his time to his friends, family, neighbors, the community, strangers, literally everyone. He is selfless, he loves, gives and teaches. He has taught me how to dream big and build it yourself. Most importantly, he works like only God is watching.

Shelby Hancock

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Posted in Alisha, Hard Working Man.