David Garcia
Hi KKBN Crew, I would like to nominate a very, very hard worker!! Our friend, David!
Some call him Dave, David or DemoDave, but everyone calls him a hard worker.
Not only does he care for his two beautiful daughters, amazingly (and as a single father), he works every weekend. His weekend jobs are just as hard, of not more work than his regular day job.
He’s up before the sun, works all day for the county roads department and then finishes the day by cooking, bathing and tending to his girls.
His positive attitude is definitely contagious, and he can make anyone laugh, intentionally or not…
We, (my husband and I) have known David so long, our kids call him Uncle David. He’s such a sweetheart and is a really good friend. We know we can always count on David to help with yard work or party set ups, we love him and his work ethic.
He’s definitely deserving of this title and we think everyone would agree!!
Thank you,
Amanda Silva
Winners receive gifts from our sponsors:
Nate’s Tree Service For all your Tree Service Needs – call 532-2460
Central Valley Fiberglass Pool Company – Step Out of the Stone Age – call 209-422-9829
Pine Alley Saw Shop – 2nd Generation Owned and Operated in Jamestown – call 984-3863
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