Jarrett Highfill
How do I start! Going on 23 years of marriage to this incredible man, I get to call my husband!
I’ll start off by saying he became a father the moment he fell in love with me and my baby girl at the age of 22. He was attending Sacramento State to become a Mechanical Engineer! He took on the roll, as a father, to an 18 month old baby girl!
Then at 24 we had a beautiful baby boy. Our son was diagnosed with Autism when he was 2 1/2. It never stopped this man from working hard and giving everything to his family!
He has traveled the world, missed out on special occasions & gave up himself as an individual to do whatever it took to provide and keep his family up in the mountains.
He is my best friend and a wonderful father. He always has my back and is my rock.
He is the most honest & genuine man you will meet.
He still commutes to work, driving 1 ½ hours both ways and comes home with a smile every night.
He looks at the positive notes…. like, I get to come home to you everyday, I get to drive home to our little mountain home, my son can now tell me he loves me(after being non-verbal for most of his life), my daughter is in college and is this amazing young lady and I’m married to my dream girl.
He reminds me every day that it is nothing for him to work so hard because he has such a beautiful life!
So, thank you Jarrett Highfill! For everything you are to your proud, hardworking, loving, little mountain family! We love you so very much!
Kristen Highfill
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Central Valley Fiberglass Pool Company – Step Out of the Stone Age – call 209-422-9829
Jim’s Automotive on Shaws Flat – Family owned and operated since 1950 – call 532-3624

Nate’s Tree Service For all your Tree Service Needs – call 532-2460
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