KKBN Hard Working Man(10.05.16)


JC Clark

My boyfriend JC is one of the hardest working men I have ever known. His line of work sometimes requires long hours with a smile on his face, which suits him well because he always seems to have one. He is sincere, honest, and kind. He will go out of his way to help anyone in need. He is not afraid to get his hands dirty. If he sees a need, he automatically goes into help mode. JC has worn many different hats in his lifetime, including volunteer fireman and EMT. Last month while driving on a sales call with his boss, they saw a grass fire that had just ignited on the side of the freeway. Without hesitating, JC pulled over and together they stomped it out, though JC was just wearing his dress shoes.

Despite the fact that his work is exhausting at times, JC never complains. He is also an amazing father to six children, and makes time for them, whether it is a quick text or phone call to his grown children, or a ball game or movie with his teenagers. They know their dad loves them. He also takes time for my daughter, and supports her in all her activities. This sometimes involves coordinating and arranging a busy work schedule so he can drive up to 2 hours to make a 5th grade volleyball game or dance recital. She appreciates him as well. Finally, he takes time for me, compliments me, and makes me feel like the most important woman in the world. As I train for my half marathon, he has even ridden my bike alongside me to encourage me. My older brother and JC worked on the same volunteer fire department together before we started dating, and he told me that JC is a great guy, the type of person that you look forward to being around, his personality is contagious. I couldn’t agree more, and that is why I believe he deserves the honor of KKBN’s hard working man. I am so  proud of him and thankful for him.


Jenna Miller



The KKBN Hard Working Man is brought to you :

 “Jim’s Automotive on Shaws Flat-Family owned and operated since 1950″


“ Nate’s Tree Service, serving all tri counties! No job too big, no job too small”

Posted in Hard Working Man.