Ryan Rhoten
My Husband is a hard working man, 6 to sometimes 7 days a week! he was laid off for 2 years and no matter what opportunity for a chance to make money arose, he took it.Ryan now has an amazing steady job this October has been a year! He got the 3 of us through it.. and still had a positive, out going and encouraging drive to always want to do more for his girls. (our daughter Gwenyth 10, and myself) Ryan is an amazing provider, and spiritual leader. he works in the freezing cold, in the 100 degree weather,wakes up at 3:30 am every day, drives to San fransisco to make sure that our little family will flourish. Ryan Rhoten is the most unselfish, committed, tireless, working husband and father, and he is OUR hard working man! Thank you for this opportunity!
Amy Rhoten