KKBN Pet of The Week(4.1.14)

Hello Big Joe and Bridgette Me and my Husband have recently moved back to the area and love your show and we listen to your station all day and everyday!! We always have!
 I love the contest pet of the week and finally found time to sit down and show you some pictures of our children Ted and Lola. Both of them are pure bread shi zsu one is overweight and the other is just such a runt!
Ted is 2 years old and is the coolest little dude with his own personality he can be so loving, playful, and a trouble maker but he is the coolest little individual we have ever had! Ted gets into so much trouble just by getting into everything possible! Ted loves to play with toys of all kinds and he has a talent! Ted is only 8 pds, just a little guy but he likes to be in your arms so he will jump straight up to you about 5 feet of springs he has in those legs! It is so cool to see. Ted likes to take pictures and has a unique smile upper left lip up with one big fang its so cute !! One last thing about Ted everyone that meets him wants to take him home.
And our Lola La Lu Lovera is the sweetest most loving, caring and over weight doggie! Lola is 7 years old and has been a part of our lives since she was 6 weeks old. Lola loves to sing, she loves her toy toys and is always waiting at the window for us to come home. Lola loves the grandchildren so much that she is by their sides at all times (even in all the pictures we take). When Lola see’s the grandchildren or hears their voice  she starts singing away and gets so excited! Lola does have one problem she is a nervous nelly at times but once she is familiar with you or surrounding she is just so loving and everyone’s best friend!
I think Ted and Lola qualify for pet of the week and all the viewers will love their pictures and personality’s.  Ted would love to be a super star!!! Lola will most likely have a panic attack!
Thank you ,
Brenda and Mike Kelley
Posted in Pet of the Week.