KKBN Goodie Award (11-17-10)


Congratulations to this week’s KKBN Goodie Award Winner: Stacy Hanan

Goodie Award Nomination

I would like to nominiate Stacy Hanan for the goodie award.  She is a Co-Community Club Leader for the Murphys 4H and is the Pygmy/Meat Goat and Sheep leader!

Over the last couple of weeks, she’s been very busy helping 4Her’s get ready for the Calaveras County Fair.  She started the first of May, working with the kids to get the goats and sheep sheared.  She worked with the Pygmy goat kids so they were ready for their show a week ahead of the fair.  She then finished up with the sheep, helped her husband, who is also a 4H Leader, with an end of the year dinner meeting for his Auto/Welding group, got her family ready to “campout” during the fair, purchased groceries for our annual club dinner during the fair, organized meals for the group and on Sunday morning of the fair, organized breakfast for all the kids before the auction!!!  Wow!!!  She has done this for several years now and we wanted to take the time to acknowledge her contributions to the kids of our club and their families!!!  Stacy cares a great deal about all the kids and it shows when they make it a point to let her know how their chicken did or their steer, etc.  Stacy works hard for all of us and is truly a “Goodie!”

Fred, Debbie and Sammie Artiaga

Posted in Goodie Award.