This Is A Test…

Time for KKBN’s quarterly music test, where you become the programmer and pick what songs you want to hear on The Cabin!


Subject:  Hope you’re enjoying scoring the songs for us!

So far LOTS of your fellow listeners have been participating in our online music scoring and telling us how much they’re enjoying it.

If you’re already participating, we thank you and hope YOU’RE having fun with this as well! Remember that you can take a break at any time and the software will remember where you left off, so you can customize your participation to match your schedule.

 If you haven’t yet joined in, now would be a great time. No matter how much or how little you listen, your opinions on the songs we should and shouldn’t play are important.  And of course your opinions are ABSOLUTELY CONFIDENTIAL. To get started, just copy the link below and paste it into your browser; instructions will appear on the first page:

 You’ll be asked to enter a special “market code;” when prompted for this, please enter this number: (A56).

Please accept a huge thank you for taking your valuable time to do this. It means a LOT to us!


Big Joe Marshall

Program Director,Today’s Country 93.5 KKBN

PS:  To be sure that all of your opinions are anonymous, an independent company will be tabulating your responses for us. Your responses, your name and your email information will be kept confidential and never shared with anyone other than for the purposes of this KKBN research project. 

Posted in Big Joe.